
Cookies are small files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website.

The Manage your vehicle testing (MYVT) service uses cookies to keep our service secure, and to remember the notifications you've seen so that we don't show them to you again. They are not used to identify you personally.

You will normally see a message on the site before we store a cookie on your computer.

Essential cookies

Essential cookies keep your information secure while you use the MYVT portal.

You may see a pop-up cookies message when you first visit this service. We’ll store the following cookie so that your computer knows you have seen it and knows not to show it again.

Essential cookies
Name Purpose Expires
DVSA.CookiesAccepted Saves your cookie consent settings Persistent

The MYVT portal has been delivered using a Microsoft Power Apps Portal, the following cookies are required to ensure this runs securely.

Microsoft Power Apps portal cookies

Microsoft Power Apps portal cookies
Name Purpose Expires
__RequestVerificationToken Used by the antiforgery system. When the browsing session ends
.AspNet.ApplicationCookie Used to identify user sessions. A user session starts when a user browses portal for the first time. And ends when the session is closed. Authentication site settings can be used to change session expiry time span. When the browsing session ends
adxPreviewUnpublishedEntities Holds preview ON/OFF mode used in classic CMS system for portal administrators. When the browsing session ends
ARRAffinity Added automatically by Azure websites and ensures that requests are load balanced between different sites. Does not store any user information. When the browsing session ends
ASP.NetSessionId Used to maintain the session of a logged in user to avoid repeated sign-in. The cookie is not persistent and is deleted after session closes. When the browsing session ends
ContextLanguageCode Stores the default language of the user accessing portal within a session and across webpages. The cookie is deleted after session closes. When the browsing session ends
Dynamics365PortalAnalytics Critical service cookie to analyse service usage anonymously and aggregated for statistical purpose. 90 Days
isDSTObserved Stores a value to indicate if the current moment is in daylight saving time. When the browsing session ends
isDSTSupport Indicates whether a specified date and time falls in the range of daylight saving time. When the browsing session ends
timeZoneCode Holds the timezonecode field value of CRM timezonedefinition entity for the current timezone. When the browsing session ends
timezoneoffset Holds the timezone difference between UTC and Local browser time. When the browsing session ends
incap_ses_* Used to relate HTTP requests to a specific visit When you close your browser
visid_incap_* Used to relate sessions to a specific visitor's device 1 year
nibi_* Used to ensure requests by a client are sent to the same server When you close your browser

Analytics cookies (optional)

With your permission, we use Google Analytics to collect data about how you use Manage your vehicle testing. This information helps us to improve our service.

Google is not allowed to use or share our analytics data with anyone.

Google Analytics stores anonymised information about:

  • how you got to Manage your vehicle testing
  • the pages you visit on Manage your vehicle testing and how long you spend on them
  • any errors you see while using Manage your vehicle testing
Google Analytics cookies
Name Purpose Expires
_ga Checks if you’ve visited Manage your vehicle testing before. This helps us count how many people visit our site. 2 years
_gid Checks if you’ve visited Manage your vehicle testing before. This helps us count how many people visit our site. 24 hours

Change your cookie settings

Do you want to accept analytics cookies?

Government services

Most services we link to are run by different government departments, for example HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) or the Home Office.

These services may set additional cookies and, if so, will have their own cookies policy.